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- expert in development and support of web applications for auto manufacturers and their financial subdivisions

About us

For almost 20 years of cooperation with leading automobile companies, we have faced many challenges in practice: a brand's entry into the Russian market, the start of sales of new car models, the development of a dealer network, the boom in car loans, global financial crises, pandemic and sanctions restrictions. Each time BINN successfully helped its clients to develop their business in the Internet and overcome the difficulties of external shocks.

  • >0
    years of experience
  • 0+
    automotive projects
  • 0
    of automotive projects are being supported

Our clients

  • BMW

    In cooperation with
    BMW Financial Services Russia since 2010
    • Development and maintenance of the main websites of BMW Bank and BMW Leasing
    • Implementation and modernization of new digital services ranging from interactive online loan calculators with selection of a car from the BMW lineup to legally significant procedures for initial loan approval without physical visits to dealerships during lockdown
    • Content and technical support for the main website of BMW Motorrad's motorcycle division
    • Integration with BMW's IT systems as well as with the bank's CRM system and call center software
    • Redesign and adaptation of web resources when updating the brand identity
    • Hosting and administration of the bank's external IT resources
  • Volvo

    In cooperation with
    Volvo since 2004
    • Localization, content and technical support of the main website
    • Development of an internal web portal for the Volvo Support dealer network
    • Development and maintenance of the website of the private club of Volvo Priviledge Club car owners
    • Development of a variety of promotional and satellite sites
    • General contracting and integration with various IT systems of call centers, CRM contractors, payment systems and others
    • Ensuring IT infrastructure availability
  • RN Bank

    РН Банк.
    In cooperation with
    RN Bank since 2010
    (RN Bank is the financial division of the Renault-Nissan alliance)
    • Design, support and development of the Bank's main website
    • Design and development of a dealer portal through which the central office organized interaction with Renault, Nissan, Infiniti, Datsun and Lada dealers
    • Development, technical support and hosting of the main website of the leasing division - RNL Leasing

car brands value us

  • Brand adaptation

    We fully customize communication and technical interaction processes to meet the requirements of a specific car brand
  • Solving problems

    We solve integration tasks of various IT-systems. Acting as a general digital contractor for a car brand
  • Privacy

    We comply with non-disclosure and non-competition agreements
  • Качество

    We maintain a high standard of quality and commitment when working with a client over the long haul
Looking for a reliable contractor with rich experience in development and support of automotive web projects in Russia?

BINN Internet Agency may be what you have been looking for.

    Terms of information transfer

    I give my consent to S.Builder Ltd. (hereinafter ""BINN"") to handle my personal data in accordance with Articles 6, 9, 10, 18 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ ""On Personal Data"", indicated in the online form and/or provided by me for the purpose of:

    Methods of processing personal data may be any, including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, updating, updating, modification, reproduction, depersonalization, blocking and destruction.

    This consent applies to the processing of the following data: name, telephone number, E-mail.

    This agreement is granted for a period of five years. Upon expiry of the above-mentioned period, the agreement shall be deemed to be extended for each of the following five years, provided that there is no information about its withdrawal.

    The agreement may be withdrawn by me at any time by sending a written application signed by me to BINN.